Thursday 4 February 2016

LOAS Cycling Holiday

LOAS is one of the incredibly popular cycling holiday destination in the Southeast Asia. Its beautiful and varied landscape, light traffic, low cost or affordable living and laid back people all together wins the rave reviews and make LOAS Cycling holiday the most popular. The UNESCO world heritage tourist destination or city Luang Prabang is top or the must see destination for all the tourists coming to this place, but waterfalls and coffee plantations around Bolaven Plateau as well as Si Phan Don islands in the southern country.

One can cover the following destinations on their LOAS cycling Tour for more adventure and fun:
- Luang Prabang till Pakbeng
- Don Det and Bolaven Plateau
- Vientiance till Luang Prabang

There are some easily enough cycling for keeping one busy for more than a month and if you want for a more comprehensive tour, then you can travel from the north towards south. Most of the cyclists use buses to travel in between two best locations and select one portion to explore completely. Teo most popular options of the LOAS cycling tour are to start from the north Vientiane and travel till the Luang Prabang or across the central LOAS from Vietnam to Thailand.

The hot & humid climate of LOAS can make the cycling experience little uncomfortable, if you are not very much used to the tropics. However, you can start a little early and take a long breaks at the lunch time can help you to a great extent. It is also advisable to take care all the other essential things required during your cycling tour to avoid any sort of discomfort. You an also hire a guide to make your tour much more adventurous as they can help you with better place to stay, food joints and comfortable trip.

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